OPIc 3

2009. 4. 7. 08:38일상

[Context & Content] Basic Strategy
  • 답변하기 전에 브레인스토밍하라.
  • 내용에 살을 붙여라.
  • 여러가지 질문을 한번에 할 경우를 대비하라.
  • Background Survey에서 자신에게 친근한 토픽을 선택하라.
Q1. I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Let's imagine that you want to hire a tutor to help you learn a language. Call the tutor, identify yourself and ask three of four questions to find out what you need to know.

Q2. Tell me the last time you met or talked with one of your neighbors. Can you describe who the neighbor was? And how or why you met him or her that day? Tell me all the details of that meeting.

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